4. Januar 2010

Happy 2010 Ok, with some days delay and after a looong break finally some news!

I was in holidays between Christmas and New Year on Terschelling, a dutch North Sea Island. I've been there the fourth time, but never before in Winter. It was so beautiful and we were really lucky with the weather.

Now, back from the Netherlands I was catched by the knitting virus. I made a cute sweater, inspired by a pattern found here. This is what I ended up with. I'm knitting the third sweater right now and will try a Cardigan pattern after that I found on the net. I really like the pattern and I adjusted it to knit the sleeves and body part in rounds as I don't like sewing knitted things - because I'm not good in it. The cardi is a non-sewing-pattern as well. Oh, and one of the next try will be a sweater for Lati yellow...