31. Juli 2009

Fabric find I found this silky skull fabric at the Claire's sale. It's originally a funny headband, but I will use it for lining some vests.
This is one I made some time ago. The final design will have some buttons and a pocket as well. Maybe some applications or other funny things.

29. Juli 2009

Lati Cardigan Here's one of my newest creation, a Lati Cardigan I did for a commission. I plan to add this style to my shop soon. As well as some Blythe dresses and simple shirts for several dolls.
My first Blog As I just opened my artfire shop I think it's time to start my own blog as well. Not sure how much time I will find to write and post pics, but will try my best...

Something about me:

I'm 27 and live in Switzerland. I discovered Blythe about two years ago and since then my doll family has grown up to about 10 dolls. I love sewing for my dollies so you will mostly see dolls and doll clothing on my blog.
Beside my dolls and sewing I love reading and I just discovered climbing. I love to be in the nature, by feet or bike.