5. August 2009

My next sewing project I'm planning my next sewing project: a quilt! The colours will be black, white, red and turquoise. I think it will be a nice project for my holidays. Hope the fabric I ordered will arrive next week otherwise I have to find another sewing project for my holidays.

4. August 2009

New eyechips Finally I found some time to change the eyechips - well, of just one girl. But the others will follow. JoJo got some dark lila, apple green and light blue eyechips from Brainworm. I foiled all chips with paper from magazines. It's not too thick so you can still place the chip into the socket.
The other front is wheat from Brainworm, but she had them already before so no pics. (I'm not good at taking pics - light sucks as does my cam. It's quite an old one and my dad found it on the street.)
I changed the eyechips of my Ichigo Heaven as well, but her green stock chip is very stubborn and won't come out. I'll have to try it the hard way with the screw and hope to remove it with this hardcore method. She will get yellow, pink, turquoise and grey. And the other eyechips are waiting for my girls. Hope to find time before I leave into my holidays.

31. Juli 2009

Fabric find I found this silky skull fabric at the Claire's sale. It's originally a funny headband, but I will use it for lining some vests.
This is one I made some time ago. The final design will have some buttons and a pocket as well. Maybe some applications or other funny things.

29. Juli 2009

Lati Cardigan Here's one of my newest creation, a Lati Cardigan I did for a commission. I plan to add this style to my shop soon. As well as some Blythe dresses and simple shirts for several dolls.
My first Blog As I just opened my artfire shop I think it's time to start my own blog as well. Not sure how much time I will find to write and post pics, but will try my best...

Something about me:

I'm 27 and live in Switzerland. I discovered Blythe about two years ago and since then my doll family has grown up to about 10 dolls. I love sewing for my dollies so you will mostly see dolls and doll clothing on my blog.
Beside my dolls and sewing I love reading and I just discovered climbing. I love to be in the nature, by feet or bike.